A Message to Phil in the UK

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Hi my darling,

I thought I could use this method to communicate with you while your in England. I hope mom had a good birthday and you are settled and enjoying your sisters. I wish I could hold you to me and plant some sweet kisses on your lovely lips, etc!

Today was pretty broken up with traveling and clients, but after I finish Katie tomorrow, I should have a day and half of time here in the house without much interruption and I hope to get lots of work done…hope…hope…hope!

I will be writing and blogging so check in again on Sunday before you leave for London.

How sweet it is and how grateful and thankful I am.

Know that you are cherished,


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Yesterday Morning was Fun!

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Dear Kit,

I had so much fun yesterday morning, as we were discussing Kit and Kat and playing around with the video.  We returned to our discussion of basic agreements which reframed itself into core values.

I like that description.  Core Values. You suggested that core values are actually the same for everyone, rather than there being my core values and your core values. This gives us a good place to find the 100 percent factor. When you have core values as your basis for agreement and union, then you can let go of determining the specifics. You can celebrate that there is another person, one who is totally unique, and celebrate the difference. You can be constantly enriched by the other. We are able to reside in the present, experiencing what is, without preconceiving it. We don’t try to fit the other into an idea or a mold or a picture of what should be or could be. We experience what is.

I think the sense of surety between us comes not only from our shared experiences, but also from these core values that we share about life and relationships.

We also talked about the fact that the primary relationship is familial.

Much, very much of how we are, comes from our mutual respect for the sacrosanct nature of each personality.

love Kat

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We Always Talk

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As we were having our walk around the park this morning, you began a discussion of how we are doing on the bigger issues of our life together.

It was so good to just walk and talk. We always talk about things. I think this is a very important part of our process. We have a gentle way of sharing verbally and it keeps us in touch with each other and our feelings in a special way. We are always connected even when apart. However, communicating about everything on a constant and regular basis, gives us a very present moment knowledge of how the other is perceiving things.

I feel so much richer hearing our life through your words and always hearing how you feel.  It is so great that we can speak and always feel heard, that we communicate without judgment or special agendas. We always want the best for each other and seem to feel assured that the other wishes the best for us!

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Our Willingness to Experiment

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Dear Kit,

In looking at some of the things we’ve done together, our willingness to experiment has caught my attention. We seem to easily take on a project, a new way of being or doing for us. We decide (through our  process) that we’re going to do something new or different, and then we just move smoothly into it. There doesn’t seem to be any resistance or reluctance to shift and change.

I think that this comes from being in presence. We don’t hang on specifics, pre-images or concepts. We don’t overhang our experiences with each other  with preconceptions or projections of any kind. We seem to delight in discovering the other as an other. Its always new and always better.

I think this same state of presence enables us to take on new directions with ease.

Our latest major  experiment of sleeping together every night at Victoria House , has been so surprisingly meaningful and added so much depth.

I can’t imagine where this wondeful journey with you will be heading , but I go there with joy!


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Brush With The Infinite

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First I want to thank you for your loving post.  It touched and moved me deeply.

The other night we were making love for what seemed like a long time ( you know how those time experiences can be)  and at some point, when we were physically spent and lying in each other’s arms, I had a flash.

It was so clear to me at the time. I only wish it were easy to put into words!

What I realized was that we’re impinging upon the infinite in our union…that our experience was never ending…it had no real stop or final event…we only narrow down our focus and come away from that place of the infinite when we have to, because of physical reality…the one we are in…eventually, we enter time and space because our bodies need to.

I wanted you to know that I experience a foreshadowing of the Divine when I am with you!


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Last Night Is A Good Example

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Last night is a good example of our process. We were discussing what we had in mind for our evening. You wanted to be sexually playful. I was favoring some hanging out and maybe some movie shorts. We talked and shared and then wound up doing something else. Something that wasn’t what either of us had mentioned as possibilities, but came up from both of us being together and was completely unexpected and different and delicious.

We allow something new and unexpected to happen, by not freeze framing a specific outcome or activity.  This seems to be a key to our creativity together. We appear to co-create our experiences through some process where we sync in with each other and then just let it happen.

I know there is more to explore here and I think if we can describe it well enough, we may be able to share it with others.


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For something to Happen, You Have to Allow It

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Dear Kit,

This morning we were embracing before going into the day and it was so dear and sweet.

You said “How did we get so lucky?”

The first thing that came into my head was in order for something to happen, you have to allow it. This goes in the same direction as that which allows us to experience such a peaceful and non conflictual togetherness. We don’t come with expectations of specifics, we don’t insist on or demand certain activities or words or actions. We flow through the together time actually experiencing what happens. This is always bigger and better and more unique than anything either one of us could have come up with in advance.

In the same way, I think people often walk right past opportunities and potential partners because they have pre images and conceptions of what they want and need, that leave out the possibility for something unexpected and unpredictable to happen.

We did really get blessed to find each other, but we also let it happen. We went with it as it grew and took on form. We allowed creativity and presence to rule.

And so here we are!


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Been Gone Too Long!

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My Dear Kit,

This is a first post for a new day. Its been too long since I’ve posted. I’m so looking forward to exchanging regularly again and putting into words this miracle of Love and Peace that we share.

The energies that we are filled with while spending time with one another, are both sustaining and nourishing. When people can relate without struggle, without the desire for power or to overpower, a buoying force pervades the exchange. This visceral experience of calm, love and peace transcends fear and anxiety. It supports a trust of being present with your whole person. It supports undefended participation in everything. It brings joy.

When people can relate in this way with each other, new unique creations occur.

with love, Kat

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Spontaneity and No Rules

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Dear Kit,
We often bring each other greeting cards, always looking for new ways to express our feelings to each other. Last night I gave you two cards. It felt like a two card night.
You remarked that this was a perfect example of the spontaneity that abides between us. You thought it was connected to there being ‘no rules’. You said, “we have no rules, no rules that say one card a night, or no cards, or you should do this or that…”
I have to agree that we indeed play it all in the moment, just following our feelings, with no particular program. Neither of us seems to need to put preconceptions upon the other or within our relationship. We always have a new co-creative experience when we are together.
And yet, for this wonderful experience of creating together, we do nothing in particular. It just seems to happen so simply, so naturally.
If you don’t fill up the space with plans and concepts and ideas and expectations, then the moment itself is pregnant with creativity, full of pulsing newness, of life.
Our life, our time together, is a miracle, each and every moment it occurs! Kat

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This Past Weekend Away

Dialogue by Kat No Comments »

Dear Kit,

I was away for four nights and five days this past weekend. That’s the longest we’ve been in different places and way the longest we haven’t slept together since we began sleeping together every night six months ago.

It amazes me that no matter what we do;  if we are constantly together, like when we travel, or if we are apart, like recently, it doesn’t make any difference. There is no change in the field of our union, no change between us. There is never any distance or real feeling of separation.

You mentioned how nice it was to spread out all over the bed and follow your own rhythms when you were alone. However, that did not mean you wished to have more alone time, just that it was fun to experience it. We seem to be fine together and fine apart.

When we came back together, it was as if no time had elapsed, other than it was particuarly juicy!! We do this all very naturally, but I don’t think it is a very common occurance for people.

For many years, we would spend our nights and weeks, coming together and going apart and enjoying every form of us. Now we ‘live’ together, but there is still this wonderful plastic way that we merge and separate. I love us!

love Kat

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