I Love How Our Minds Work!

Dialogue by Kat No Comments »

I have been thinking about what real fun it is to do the N.Y. Times crossword puzzle with you together.

It is a great example of how wonderfully different we are and how well that fits and works together.

We seem to get entirely different parts of the puzzle. Each of us seems to see different things and get the answers to different clues. Together we finish the whole puzzle smoothly and seem to get even the complex ones when we work together.

We do the puzzles the same way we do many things together. Each as a different being, and yet fitting together into some wonderful whole together!

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The We In Nature

Dialogue by Kat No Comments »

Sunday when we went up to the mountains to play in the wildflowers, I felt so filled with joy and peace. There is something so special about our drives into nature. We move quietly, companionably silent or having wonderful discussions about all that is important to us.

We fit so well in a natural environment. It seems to be part of what we are.

Also, the driving in the open convertible seems to bring it all around us so close.

I love that we go so deep, whether we are plotting out our lives, or not talking at all.

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You and I

Dialogue by kk No Comments »

My Dear Kat,

I feel so graced by being with you.  I feel as if I float through the world.  I feel that nothing is too difficult or overwhelming because there, behind it, is you and I.

Are you fulfilling some lost parental fantasy for me?  No, it’s not a sense of security, at least not in the “I’ll be taken care of” mold.   It is that I am added to, as opposed to being completed.  I just love how we operate together; it is so easy, so smooth, and it’s aways like this, which I continue to find very strange, unusual, mysterious and delightful.  Yes, after all this time.

There.  Nothing profound to say, no great insights into how we are, only the joy of our worlds over-lapping.

XX Kit

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No Need for Assurances

Dialogue by Kat No Comments »

My Sweet Kit,

I feel so very blessed to be in this wonderful relationship. Yesterday I brought you roses. I want to shower you with flowers and gifts. I so appreciate how present you are with all of you, available to me in every way all the time.

You mentioned fears you had, caused by previous experiences in other relationships. You thought you had been unavailable and wrapped up in work. I did not experience you that way at all. I do not feel that  you are ever unavailable. You have let me know in words and in deeds that if something is important to me, you will be right there with me. If I needed you for something, you would put everything aside to be there for me. You would not think twice. I know this is real. I feel the same way.

We do not need to prove to each other that we don’t forget the other. We do not need to make shows of not being involved in our work or our lives. We both know the importance of the other to our life. We experience the inside of each other all the time when we merge. There is no questioning in that place. All is clear.

Yours, Kat

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Work and Space

Dialogue by Kit No Comments »

My Dear Kat,

I have been deeply involved in work for the last few days.  In the past, that has been very threatening to my partners; they interfered, pouted, accused me of withdrawal, demanded more of me.

With you, no.  You give me the space to be myself, do what I want to do, just as you always do.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  The shadow of the past still makes me cautious, makes me check to see how you are, but hallelujah, everything is fine.  That’s why I say thank you.

This all fits right in with our theme of permission, non-interference, allowing the other to be and do whatever they wish.  Maybe it is an emergence from childhood: as we grow up, our parents and teachers admonish us, guide us, teach us to make space for others.  I do think that we have a natural capacity for empathy, but it has to be grown and nurtured, otherwise we get stunted self-involved adults, or worse, sociopaths (though they may have a genetic deficiency).

But this upbringing of rules, rules, rules teaches us also that this is the way that people interact, and we carry this into adulthood, feeling  unconsciously that we have to guide, admonish and control people.  For certain people and on certain occasions, this may be true, but in general, it is possible to leave all that behind; the vast majority of people are benevolent, cooperative and doing the best they can at their present stage of development.

In fact, the whole idea of development is fascinating.  Reading Wilber turned me on to this, but I’ll expand on this another day.


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I’m Me & You’re You

Dialogue by Kat No Comments »

We’ve been trying to break down some of the qualities that seem so important to how we are with each other.
One factor that seems critical is not only accepting the other person for who they are, but also celebrating with joy who they are, feeling a deep abiding affection and respect for the other.
At the same time, it is important not to get confused and think that your identity has merged with the other. We seem to keep our separate identities, while merging into something else as well. When you’re not trying to change the other person, you don’t seem to run into so many of the difficulties that bring conflict and distance between two people. So how does one find a balance of not trying to change each other, while at the same time being open to help and support each other to actualize ourselves fully?
I think part of this paradox could be held within not thinking you know better for your partner what is right, or best for them. Maybe by not separating yourself from your partner, by not thinking from separation of higher or smarter or better or more fully knowing what right action is, you can instead actually experience the joy of another viewpoint, the discovery of other ways to see and think of things. This difference of identity has to at the same time hold consonance of the basics. You have to feel connected and in accord, to fully appreciate difference and not want to make it the same as you.

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Our Common Experience

Dialogue by Kit No Comments »

Dear Kat,

I want to expand on your post about joint experience.

After making love, we often talk about the experience, and every time, we are in complete agreement on what we have just experienced.  When I talk, you always concur with my descriptions, and furthermore, this is not at all surprising; in fact, the surprise would be if there were any significant differences.  This is true the other way, too;  you describe how it was for you, and I go “Uh-huh, uh-huh” in concurrence.

For events like watching a movie or going to a play, we have also “experienced the same thing”, but in those cases, we often differ in interpretation or meaning; our experience of the event has been mediated by our history and viewpoint.

That’s not what is happening here.  It is as if you and I actually touch, and I don’t just mean physically, but in some other dimensions as well, to use a hackneyed metaphor, and our descriptions of the shape of the surface of contact must necessarily correspond.  (One shape would be the inverse of the other, but that’s a simple mapping.)

That’s rather abstract, mathematical, scientific, but that’s my language, I guess, and as you say, we are engaged in finding a language for this experience.


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There Is Not the Slightest Question About It

Dialogue by Kat 1 Comment »

When we talk about finding a language, of developing the words to speak of our expereince, neither of us has any doubt that we mean, that we experience the same thing. We search for ways to communicate about it. We talk about it and write about it. We know that we have the same experience. There’s not the slightest doubt about it.

Actually, that is in and of itself rather remarkable. How can something so elusive be so definite for us, so clear? And yet it is, unshakeably, most certainly clear. We both experience the same thing without giving up anything from our separate individualities.

This union is so solid, so strong, so fully present. It is unmistakable.

This union is so soft, so gentle, so firm.

So mutual.

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Suitability revisited

Dialogue by Kit No Comments »

Dear Kat,

I’ve been thinking about our posts on being suited to each other.  There are two aspects to this very necessary prerequisite:

  1. You have to know what to look for in the other, and also, what to avoid (I know you don’t like negatives, but I think they’re important here).
  2. You have to be that same desirability for the other person.

I’ll tackle the latter first.  I don’t (at this stage, anyway) want a laundry list of behaviors.  I would rather just say “Do as you would be done by”, and point out that this embodies the concept of empathy, of being able imagine oneself in the place of the other, and furthermore, that this is the first step in merging, or union.

So that’s a requirement for the other person’s behavior, too.  There must be much more to work out here – what about preferences, kinks, hobbies, interests, goals, politics?  They may be necessary, too, but I don’t need to go there now.  By the way, I fail miserably at this assessment, or I would never have spent so much time with A____.


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The uniqueness of our experiences

Dialogue by Kit No Comments »

Dear Kat,

The other night, you talked about what happens when both of us are present – that it allows something to be created.  I know you wrote about it, but I wanted to try in my own words.

So what do I understand by that term?  That what we do together, whether it be sex or words or mute hanging out, is different from ever before, is completely unique in some way that hasn’t normally applied in my life.*  Here, I struggle for words.  The personal experience is one of power, of centered-ness, of balance.  Additionally, there is the joint experience of we, the sense that you and I are experiencing the same thing, and I don’t just mean sitting on the edge of the canyon watching the same sunset together, but a much stronger connection, as if we have joined circuits and the energy flows through us in a circle.

OK, I’m mixing metaphors and I don’t know if anyone else can follow this at all.


* I use the past tense because by being with you, that sense of presence is more and more in the rest of my life.

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