I love what you say about talking because I have had the “we need to talk” speech from so many other people.
So what’s the difference? Was I mutated by a bombardment of cosmic rays? No, I think everyone has, somewhere at least, a need to talk, to express themselves, to be seen. To never do so would be a life of existential loneliness. People may hold back out of shame, embarrassment or guilt, but we all need that contact at least on occasion to feel connected to others.
One reason the talking is so easy and fluid with us is the complete acceptance that we’ve talked about many times before. There are no mine-fields, no dangerous areas, no taboo subjects, no demands to talk or be silent or respond or be a particular way, and this is such a liberating thing. It’s this way for both of us, and leads to great freedom and joy.

June 13th, 2012 at 10:53 am
Yes, it’s TheCouplesProject.